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Singer -Songwriter
Daniel-Weldon at the River Horse - Park City_edited.jpg
Daniel Weldon


Daniel Weldon has earned the title of journeyman roots musician. Over the years, as both soloist and sideman, he has rocked readily, serenaded sweet and lowdown, and twanged with the toughest.

Weldon possesses a soulful singing voice and a warm stage manner that captivates his audiences. He is a gifted songwriter that also has the deft ability to give classic tunes fresh and thoughtful treatment. In addition, Weldon plays an astonishing variety of acoustic and electric guitar styles, picks a mean mandolin, and supplies a steady backbeat courtesy of his foot-operated Porchboard.

Weldon is a performer who gives all, whether it be to a handful of intimates in a local watering whole, or for thousands at a premier festival. He is certain to be long remembered as one of the Intermountain Wests finest troubadours.


© 2022 Daniel Weldon 

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